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Collection of photos from past events hosted by Pay-It-Forward-House

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The Kunes Auto Group of Sycamore Family of Dealerships is Proud to Come Alongside the Pay-It-Forward-House as a Meet Me at the (Splash) Park Partner

Published on Jun 6, 2023 by Bridget Keeler

The teams at Kunes Auto Group of Sycamore are proud to continue showing our community support through a donation towards the Pay-It-Forward House serving DeKalb County.


This July, they are bringing back their annual summer event - Meet Me at The (Splash) Park - on Sunday, July 16th. You are invited to join them for an afternoon at the Sycamore Park District Community Center. There will be food, games, prizes, and fun as they take over the back patio and splash pad from 3:00pm-6:00pm. 


Plan on bringing the kids in your life for a carefree afternoon and enjoy the company of the Pay-It-Forward House community!


Learn more >>

About Pay-It-Forward

Pay-It-Forward House is a healthcare hospitality house for families. We keep families together when someone is facing a medical crisis. So if you think of how a Ronald McDonald House keeps parents close to their hospitalized children, we have a similar mission, but our nonprofit is open to all ages of patients and is specific to DeKalb County. We work with any healthcare facility in DeKalb County, but Kindred Hospital in Sycamore is where the majority of our patients and their loved ones come to us from – Kindred provides rehabilitation for serious conditions such as ventilators, so patients are often there for longer stays. It can be scary and lonely for both the patients and their families, so we provide a room for the family members in order to keep them close.

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