Oct 24, 2022
Larry Newman (Left) and Gay Mitchell (Right) at the “Bee for Literacy” Event on September 29th.
On September 29th, Walworth County, WI community members gathered to compete in the Walworth County Literacy Council’s “Bee For Literacy” adult spelling bee! Kunes Auto & RV group is a proud sponsor of this event and even had their own team who competed in it! The pair who represented Team Kunes was Larry Newman, sales trainer at Kunes Auto Group, and Gay Mitchell, a friend of the Literacy Council.
The competition not only raised awareness for literacy in Walworth County, but also raised $24,000 to help further the cause. This, of course, crushed their initial goal of $15,000. According to the Walworth County Literacy Council, a staggering 16% of Walworth County residents lack basic literacy skills. An estimated 16,000+ adults need literacy support. This is why an event like the “Bee for Literacy” Spelling Bee is imperative to raise funds and awareness, to help get the resources to those that need it most.
To learn more about how you can help your fellow Walworth County residents, go to https://www.walworthcountyliteracycouncil.org/